Troels Moeller Christensen, Aalborg, Denmark

 I wanna welcome you to my introduction to a great online MasterClass in Personal Development that I’m launching the 1st of October 2022. I’ve been working on it for more than two years and now I’m getting close to launching it and I’m really excited. I hope – and feel convinced – that it will inspire you and actually be a life changing MasterClass for you if you choose to work with me and the material.

In the online MasterClass I´ll guide you through 8 very life changing and essential subjects in order to take control over your life and create the balance you would love to have in your life, or to get the results that you really want in your life. You’ll get a close look – and you’ll work with among other subjects your thoughts, your actions, your patterns. If you decide to work with me and the material, you´ll get access to the Modules on video and audio file as well. I´ll also invite you to a Facebook-group only for members that have decided to work with me and the material. Besides that you’ll get to coaching sessions with me online during the 8 weeks.

In this short article I´ll introduce you to the 8 Modules, that you’ll be working with if you decide to work with my material and with me. If you have any questions after reading the article, please feel free to contact me by e-mail: or we can set up a video-meeting (on Zoom or similar) if you prefer.

After a thorough and warm introduction and “Welcome the MasterClass” you’ll get to the 8 Modules:

Module 1: Important knowledge about learning.

This is important because you’ve joined a MasterClass in which learning is essential – learning about yourself. Learning in general and – especially – learning about yourself can be both amazing, eye-opening, fantastic, but also it can be very tough and may include struggle and discomfort when you reflect on your thoughts, behaviors, results – or maybe your life in general. My intention is for you to know, be aware of and to accept some important points on learning that will help you through the learning processes in an wise and more calm way.

You’ll also be working with gratitude and creation this week.

Module 2: Setting goals that inspire and motivates

In this Module I´ll introduce you to setting goals that really inspire and motivates YOU – why does make sense to set goals that inspire? How can goal-setting help us create more of what we want in our life? What happens if we don’t have any goals at all? And you’ll a simple and  effective way to set goals that inspire. You’ll end this week with an important goal that inspires YOU.

Module 3:  Understand your Mind – and create much more of what you want in your life

Your thoughts create your life. That means it´s essential what and how you’re thinking and acting in your life. In this Module we´ll dive deeper into your mind; your brain, your thoughts, your behavior, your body – and I´ll introduce you to a way of changing your thoughts and creating much more of what you really want in your life. I will also talk about our programming (some call it Paradigmes) as human beings – that we all have a set of hard wired thoughts that shapes how we think and act in our life; your thoughts on yourself and your options/possibilities in life among other important areas – and how you can change this programming is an important focus in this module as well. Finally I´ll mention that this Module also includes habits and metacognition. You’ll be working with

Module 4: Demystifying Meditation

In this 4th Module I´ll talk about Demystifying Meditation and answer the following questions:

What does “Meditation” actually mean?

Why is it healthy, important and appropriate for us as humans?

Why does Meditation make sense for YOU in this MasterClass?

How can YOU use it to change your thoughts and behaviors?

Also you will start practicing the 2 Meditations that I’ve created to help and guide you in the direction you want to go. There is a meditation for you to listen to in the morning when you are walking. This meditation takes about 15 minutes – and of course you can use several times in row if you prefer. The other meditation is for you to use in the evening before you go to sleep. They both help prepare your central nerve system for the changes you are creating.

Module 5: Fear or winnings?

You will learn some very important points on fear. Fear is important when we are in dangerous situation, but when we talk about learning process and learning really valuable insights – for instance about yourself – fear can stop us from doing something that could be a very important and valuable learning experience for us. In other words we will dive deeper into fear and how you can dance with, keep it at the backseat and focus on what you can win/gain/achieve instead. Also some very important lessons for you. You will be working with analyzing your fears – in order to accept them/dance with them – and how to keep your focus on possibilities.

Module 6: Decision-making – a magic mental activity

We will focus on the very important “skill” or “magic mental activity” called “decision-making”. I´ll give my reflections and answers on the following questions:

What does decision-making actually mean?

Why is it so very important?

How can you make decisions that supports the changes you truly want to create for yourself/in your life?

What happens if we don’t make decisions – and if we are to often ambivalent?

Do you create or disintegrate?

You will learn how to make decisions that supports what you really want to achieve.

Module 7: Self-perception

You will dive deeper into your self-perception and be more conscious about how you have been percepted yourself so far and focus on how you want to percept yourself now and it the future. And we will get closer to your selfperception and how you need to look at yourself in order to create more of what you actually want in your life.

Module 8: Close the gap between knowledge and action

In this last Module we will focus on action – how do you actually act in a way that helps you in the direction you want to go? I will provide you tools to help you get to action.


I hope you found this article interesting. As written earlier, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


We can also set up a video-meeting (on Zoom or Google Duo) if you prefer. Then please e-mail with a request for a video-meeting and I´ll invite you.

Kind regards and I hope to be working with you if you found this article and material interesting and relevant for you.

My background:

My name is Troels Moeller Christensen. I am 48 years old. I live in Denmark. I am running my own coaching company “Møller Christensen Coaching”/Moeller Christensen Coaching – I’m offering and practicing Leadership Coaching, Teamcoaching and Life Coaching and also I’m working with recruitment and Personality Profiles – a tool called PeopleTools.

My educational background – three important points:

-I am an educated Master of Learning Processes, Change Management and Psycho-Social Work Environment (University of Aalborg, 2012).

-I am an educated Sofia Manning coach with an international certification (ICF), march 2021

-I have a certification in PeopleTools Big 6 – Personality Profile, 2016 (close to a hundred reflective dialogues in recruitment processes)

My work experience – three important points:

-assistant professor at the Diploma in Leadership/Management, 2015-2018

-Self employed coach and consultant in human development and collaboration, 2020-

-school leader (during a big reform in 2013-2015)